Contrato de seguro automotor y distorsiones del mercado


  • Joaquín Alejandro Hernández Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Derecho. Rosario; Santa Fe; Argentina



Insurance contract, automotive market, Price distortions, preventive actions, decision making


The purpose of this text is trying to approximate to the problem that affects both insurers and insured, referring to the difficulties that currently appear for the real estimation of the insurable value related to coverage against possible damages on the vehicle (fire, theft, damage), due to price distortions existing in the market which cause undesirable consequences when estimating the insured amount and when liquidating the damage and quantifying the compensation. After identifying the problem, possible transitory solutions will be tested; without losing focus on the urgent need to make a multisectoral and interdisciplinary approach, which allows reaching superior solutions that tend to definitively eradicate the causes that generate conflict. The decision-making process within the scope of the company must pay special attention to the change of those endogenous and exogenous circumstances that affect the design and effectiveness of the products or services. Both at the time of selling and settling insurances, preventive actions need to prevail in favor of the interests of the company and the customers. Also seeking in turn to avoid the undesirable increase in court risk.


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How to Cite

Hernández, J. A. (2022). Contrato de seguro automotor y distorsiones del mercado. Informes De Investigacion. IIATA., 7(7), 159 - 168.

