¿Cómo financiar un proyecto de inversión en Argentina? Utilidad del Mercado de Capitales


  • Alex Andrés Padovan Universidad Abierta Interamericana. Rosario; Santa Fe; Argentina




Investment projects, Financial Tools, Capital Markets


Argentine economic scenarios have historically been characterized by successive periods of instability reflected in volatile behavior of its main macroeconomic variables. Although this has generated numerous inconveniences in different aspects, a positive consequence has been the emergence of incipient investment projects headed by human beings or small companies, consequently enabling a positive development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of our economy. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main alternatives available in our local capital market for entrepreneurs, investment projects financing while reviewing the advantages of such tools and its main operative requirements, including the dynamiting role played by Mutual Guarantee Companies.


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How to Cite

Padovan, A. A. (2022). ¿Cómo financiar un proyecto de inversión en Argentina? Utilidad del Mercado de Capitales. Informes De Investigacion. IIATA., 7(7), 169 - 175. https://doi.org/10.35305/iiata.v7i7.83

